Explorer program for the AY2019

This program provides financial support for the students who are going to Asian or African country for language-training, fieldwork, or internship.
1. Application Guidelines
Explorer Program 2019 Application Guidelines
2. Submission Instructions
Step.1 Entry
-Firstly, you are required to submit the following entry form by 17:00 pm JST, April 15.
→( https://forms.gle/y9VEasR4UUhm5jaW8 )
Step.2 Application
-Application periods differ according to the date you wish to start your research trip.
First Period: for those departing between June 1 and July 31
→ Deadline: April 17, 17:00 pm (JST)
Second Period: for those departing between August 1 and August 31
→ Deadline: May 29, 17:00 pm (JST)
Third Period: for those departing on September 1 or later
→ Deadline: June 26, 17:00 pm (JST)
Application method
a. Register in the following form.
( https://forms.gle/nA5hcKmCsC87fYfw6 )
b. Develop your research proposal.
(Proposal form: http://ur0.work/XHRu)
c. Contact TWO travel agencies to request quotation and itinerary of your research trip.
d. Send your research proposal, quotation and itineraries to Shien Office.
( shien-app@asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp )
3. Reporting Form
Submit the explorer program report within 45 days after coming back to Kyoto.
Report Format for Explore Program (English)