2017年11月21日/第1回 外国人のための賃貸住宅説明相談会

【会場】吉田南構内 吉田国際交流会館 地下1階 講義室5&6
【Outline】With the cooperation of the real estate agencies located near Kyoto University Yoshida Campus,the International Service Office will hold the 1st Guidance Session for foreign nationals on renting privateapartment as follows;
Date: November 21, 2017
Time:18:00-20:00 (You can go in and out of the venue freely within the time.)
Venue: Rooms 5 & 6, First Floor Basement Yoshida International House, Kyoto University South Campus
* No appointment or reservation required.
* Please read the attached leaflet for further reference.
The tips on finding apartments in Japan and the various apartments information will be provided. Also, the individual consultation in English or Chinese is available. Please come join the session.
Inquiries: International Service Office, Kyoto University
E-mail:kuiso [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp