第86回 KUASS/第8回京大-東京外大アフリカ研究交流セ ミナー

“Conjunctural State Autonomy and Policy Change in South Africa, 1994‐2014”
This presentation narrates the exercise of state autonomy to achieve macro-economic stability and effect incremental policy change in South Africa between 1994 and 2014. Employing a composite case study of the macro-economic policy framework; the Growth Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) (1996) strategy, and two micro policies, Free Basic Electricity (FBE) (2003) and No Fee Schools (NFS) (2006), it demonstrates how the post-apartheid state introduced reforms at macro and micro policy levels. Most importantly, the ability to exercise this relative state autonomy is a direct result of a configuration herein termed conjunctural state autonomy.
Conjunctural state autonomy is comprised of at least three elements, namely, the historical context, the prevailing neoliberal paradigm, as well as a professional bureaucracy. The idea of conjunctural state autonomy is significant for understanding and predicting South African public policy and politics going forward. Conjunctural state autonomy reveals how the exercise of relative state autonomy is structurally mediated. The emergence and exercise of conjunctural state autonomy are therefore contingent on time and space factors hence the identification of the three elements of historical context, the prevailing framework of ideas, as well as a professional bureaucracy. The exercise of relative state autonomy within this configuration is thus time and context specific; its applicability is subject to the concurrent availability of the three core elements that comprise conjunctural state autonomy. Arguing from a historical institutionalist perspective, this presentation typically focuses on determinants at macro-political and economic levels, ideas, as well as on the attendant institutional arrangements.
Keywords: State Autonomy, Institutional Analysis, Conjunctural State Autonomy, Neoliberal Paradigm, Policy-making, Temporality, Path-Dependence, and Classification
(プレトリア大学人文学部政治学科・講師,グローバル協議研究所・上級研究員 / 東京外国語大学現代アフリカ地域研究センター・招へい教授)
日 時:2018年12月18日(火)15時00分~17時00分
場 所:稲盛財団記念館3階小会議室2(331号室)
言 語:英語(通訳なし)
対 象:どなたでもご参加いただけます
E-mail:caas * jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp(*を@に変えてください)
主 催:京都大学アフリカ地域研究資料センター