第84回 KUASS (Kyoto University African Studies Seminar)

“Unlocking institutional constraints for increasing production of Tanzanian coffee: constraints and opportunities for the coffee sector”
The agricultural policies advocated by the Tanzanian government for the coffee sector have not been stable. Frequent change in policies have affected the sector, hindering the effectiveness of the institutions which deal with the coffee sector. Most of these policy changes have failed to foster growth of coffee production. Despite the market potential of Tanzanian coffee, policies and institutional constraints have resulted in the stagnation of annual coffee production at 50,000 tons per year for over four decades. Currently, the Tanzanian coffee sector is challenged by the lack of political will to develop and increase the productivity of coffee. Thus, as a result, budgetary and institutional constraints which have led to a failure to support research and extension activities, limited production and distribution of hybrid seedlings; poor data collection on production, number of coffee farmers and farm size, weak cooperative organizations and failure to combat the effects of climate change. This presentation discusses the institutional constraints facing the coffee sector, highlighting the 2018 government directives on the coffee sector and their likely impact on the stakeholders and marketing environment. It is recommended that, coffee production in Tanzania has potentials to reach its optimum production levels, the government must address the identified constraints, commit to development of the crop and reinvest part of the revenue collected from the coffee sector into research and development.
日 時:2018年10月13日(火)15時00分~17時00分
場 所:稲盛財団記念館3階セミナー室(318号室)[MAP]
言 語:英語(通訳なし)
対 象:どなたでもご参加いただけます
E-mail:caas * jambo.africa.kyoto-u.ac.jp(*を@に変えてください)