京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 COSER Center for On-Site Education and Research 附属次世代型アジア・アフリカ教育研究センター

Social Dynamism in the Korean Diaspora (Koryo-saram) in Contemporary Kazakhstan

The author with Sergey Ogay, President, Association of Koreans in Kazakhstan

Research background

  After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, as a newly independent nation-state, has made great efforts for the national integration of its multiethnic populace. It is the most important issue for the nation, which could pursue two incompatible methods of national integration: multiethnicism or, Kazakh-ethnocentrism.

Research purpose

  The purpose of this study is to investigate how Kazakhstan Koryo-saram (Koreans), who became Kazakhstani citizens once the nation gained independence, have responded to the two methods of the integration and how their society has changed. In my fieldwork, I conducted interviews with representatives of the main institutions of Kazakhstani Korean society, such as the Association of Koreans in Kazakhstan, the editorial office of the Koryo Ilbo (a Korean-language newspaper), the Korean television and Korean radio station, the Korean Cultural Center, and the Almaty branch of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

The author with Ella Choi, Producer, Korean Department of Kazakhstan-run broadcasting system


  My research yielded two findings. The first is that the current activities of the Koryo-saram provided insight into the direction of their activities in the past, present, and future. The second is about identity of the Kazakhstan Koryo-saram. By examining trends within the community, we can see that the Kazakhstani Koryo-saram are building their identity as a part of the Kazakhstani nation, while at the same times as one of the minority groups in a multiethnic Kazakhstan. The community can be compared to Koryo-saram societies in other former Soviet areas where Koreans moved to seek a better environment.

Plans for further research

  It would be necessary to examine the factors that make up the identity of the Kazakhstani Koryo-saram and to compare them to those of the Koryo-saram in other former Soviet areas.

  • レポート:Lee Jinhye(Year of enrollment: AY2015)
  • 派遣先国:Kazakhstan
  • 渡航期間:August 3rd, 2018 to August 13th, 2018
  • キーワード:Kazakhstan, collapse of the Soviet Union, Koryo-saram, Korean diaspora, identity



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