京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 COSER Center for On-Site Education and Research 附属次世代型アジア・アフリカ教育研究センター

Mangrove Ecological Management for the Balancing Approach of Sustainable Development and Resources Conservation/The Views from Mangroves of Taninthayi Region, Myanmar

Village Profile Survey with Karen Villagers in Kanyin Chaung Village, Thayet Chaung Township, Dawei District

Research background

  Taninthayi region of Myanmar is blessed with natural mangroves which escaped from extensive degradation due to in accessibility and ethnic conflicts. With the improving security, transportation, and potentials of economic development projects, the coastal areas are under high priority of development that leads to extensive mangrove degradation. Therefore, the current ecological settings of mangroves reflected by local management and use patterns are studied for sustainable management.

Research purpose

  To provide the baseline ecological information and management options based on three current status of mangroves for the development of effective policy and management strategies in line with the balance approach of sustainable economic development through resources conservation in Taninthayi region

Orchard Farming of Karen ethnics and Areca Nut Products of Kanyin Chaung Village, Thayet Chaung Township, Dawei District


  Three mangrove ecological settings reflected by the different use patterns of local communities of Taninthayi Region was assessed. The primary mangrove forest under religious belief of Moken ethnics; local conserved mangroves under about 50 years management of Karen ethnics; and the destructed mangroves under the paddy field development of Mon ethnics; were understood.
 The religious belief, the shipworms from Rhizophora spps was offered to their ancestors in two praying events of Moken ethnics, could be applied for conservation of primary mangrove forests. The conditions and changes of agricultural practices and livelihoods of Karen community and community based mangrove management were assessed along the sociopolitical transitions. The consequences of paddy field development and its abandonment in mangroves by Mon ethnics was observed from agroecological and sociopolitical viewpoints.

Plans for further research

  The field data analysis and preparation of academic paper publication will be continued.

  • レポート:WIN MAUNG AYE(Year of enrollment: AY2017)
  • 派遣先国:Myanmar
  • 渡航期間:October 5th, 2018 to December 23rd, 2018
  • キーワード:Moken, Karen, Mon and Mangroves paddy fields



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